Innovative virtual data-warehouse-technology
- Based on our own virtual data-warehouse-technology
- Full featured OLAP-system with dimensions, attributes, facts and cubes
- Every needed data is queried, combined, filtered and aggregated simultaneous
- out of your data sources
- Connection to structured- and unstructured data sources via JDBC, ODBC
- instantOLAP does not need pre aggregated data like data-warehouses or data marts
- no need of ETL-process
- Big-Data ready
- Different level of manifestation:
- Analysis of data in real time
- Pre-aggregation of data in memory or on disk
- Mixture of querying ad-hoc and pre-aggregated à Hybrid-OLAP
Self service BI
- ad-hoc-analysis
- web-frontend with all needed components
- report designer
- grouping of reports – or parts of it – in dashboards
- automation of reports, scheduling, exception reporting
- export of reports
- Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, CSV, XML …
- Plug-in for your own JAVA-export-interface
- Corporate export-designs adjustable for each report with Word-DOTX documents
- Switchable web-designer ( Excel pivot style and expert mode)
- Users may be allowed, depending on their role, to build their own reports manage them or subscribe for email. They can set bookmarks for any report to be able to have preselected filters
- Extendable with custom interfaces
- Our frontend is any JavaScript-enabled browser, no need for local clients
- Platform independent work
- Smartphone- and tablet-ready (mobile BI)
- Location independent work (Administration and Clients) via web-based user interfaces
Lean Technologie
- Compact solution without additional modules
- Less usage of resources and no need of further components
- instantOLAP runs “out of the box“ (no extra: Reporting-tool, database- or application server, user management …)
- Platform independent, developed in Java
- possibility of integration into any popular J2EE server
- User-rights adjustable for reports and models via roles
- Logical access rights based on rules for any dimension or key
example: one sales reports designed for all regions. The user will only be able to look at
level of data he is defined for (model-/dimension driven access rights) - Own use-management may be used (your name server, user database etc.) possible.
More functions (excerpt)
- Integra
ted forecasting-functions
- Integrated formula language with graphical formula-editor
- Simple integration into any other software with web-technology
- SSO (Single sign on)
Best ROI + minimal TCO
- Really brief phase of implementation and extending your business analytics
and very fast realisation of your first results - Time To Report (TTR)
instantOLAP is instant! You need only 18 clicks starting with defining the data connection, building a model and creating your first report/analysis (-> instantOLAP Tutorial: With 18 clicks from scratch to a report) - BI out of the box
Pre defined models and reports for popular ERP- and CRM-systems like Cantor, IFS Applications, Infor ERP LN (Baan) and SAP (please ask for others)
Possible applications
- Extend your reporting system
- Devision solution, have your own OLAP
- Controlling solution, look into many databases without the need to copy or load data
- Strategic OLAP
click here to laod the instantOLAP overview as pdf-file